Security Approach Overview

Strategic Blue reduces cloud costs by focusing entirely on optimizing the pricing rates paid for cloud services. Key to this “rate optimization” is the use of cloud vendor commitments such as AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans or Google standard and flexible committed use discounts. These enable access to discounted rates in exchange for a commitment to spend agreed amounts or use particular services over a defined term.

Our Information Security approach revolves around minimizing and protecting the data we need access to:

  • We use a least-privilege approach to gain access to cloud cost & usage, billing metadata on a non-intrusive basis.  
  • We operate in a way that makes it easy to isolate and audit what we’re doing.
  • We do not need access to the data within your cloud accounts/projects, or the ability to affect technical operation or configuration of your cloud services.

We combine policies, procedures and technical controls to ensure a consistently robust approach is maintained through our people and technology. We adhere to industry recognized standards such as ISO 27001 and ISO 9001. Security obligations are reflected in our contractual agreements with customers, cloud vendors, suppliers and partners. 

Data Access

We will only ever request access to, and store, the minimum information we need. This varies by cloud provider and for:

Potential customers using our Savings Review to evaluate our service.
Customers using our rate optimization services to reduce their cloud spend.
Customers who also use us as their cloud reseller.

data access


Our Savings Review provides an assessment of your current AWS rate optimization approach based on read-only access to your AWS Cost and Usage Report.

  • We can
    • read the bucket that holds your CUR
    • describe the definition of your CUR
    • list linked accounts and their tags 

  • We can't
    • view data in your accounts
    • change how you use the clou
    • access your code or network information

Our portal guides you through the process of providing this access. It describes the access needed and how we use it. You provide the AWS Account number of any payer account(s) you wish to be included in our review, a descriptive name for this account for ease of reference, and the name of the S3 bucket that contains the Cost and Usage Report. 

The details you provide are inserted into a Cloud Formation template as the “Trusting Account” and “Billing Bucket Name”. The template creates a “StrategicBlueMasterAccountReader” role which grants S3 data access to a dedicated Strategic Blue authentication account. The authentication account acts as a bastion service between our systems and operators, and your AWS usage. The access provided is to:

  • list linked accounts and their tags, so that we can discover information about the child accounts that sit underneath the registered payer account.
  • describe report definitions, so that we can discover what Cost and Usage Reports (CURs) have been set up.  This allows us to confirm the right level of reporting exists to perform our analysis of spend.
  • read the S3 bucket in which CURs are stored.  We need to read this CUR data in order to perform our analysis of spend.

Our portal provides a link that opens your AWS console to review the template before you apply it. This means you see exactly what will be granted and will remain in complete, independent control of when you grant it. From your AWS console you can remove our access at any time you like without any reliance on our portal.

The access needed to deliver our rate optimization services is described in relation to standard AWS Accounts, Organization and reporting structures: 

The templates below provide the technical detail of the clearly defined roles, each for a  dedicated Strategic Blue authentication account, which acts as a bastion service. 

Read data about the payer account

We can list organization accounts and their tags, describe Cost and Usage Report definitions and read the S3 bucket that holds those reports (template). 

We only collect data regarding billing and instances such as the quantity, class and region as this will enable us to make recommendations. We use this to provide our recommendations, apply discounts and produce your insights and usage dashboard for reporting.

Review data with “AWS Billing and Cost Management”

We verify our optimization actions have been correctly applied by AWS, view usage, billing and savings plan information (template).

Commitment-holding account access control

We buy, change and sell reserved instance and savings plan commitments in dedicated holding accounts. These accounts are created specifically for us. They generate no usage and are used to isolate our activities, simplify auditing and create clear commitment ownership. We have admin access to these accounts.

Reserved Instance Marketplace

We grant our commitment holding accounts the ability to sell unused Reserved Instance commitments when required on the AWS Reserved Instance Marketplace (template). This is optional for customers where we are not also the AWS reseller.

If we are also acting as your AWS reseller registration of your Cloud Provider Accounts with us is in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions given by AWS to any reseller. As an Advanced Consulting Partner, we use the End Customer Account Model (ECAM) with resold (not Partner led) AWS support. This means you own each Linked AWS Account with technical support provided directly from AWS. With this arrangement we require no access to your AWS Accounts.

We continue to use an AWS best practice RBAC, IAM and SCP approach to grant access on a least privilege basis. This is secured through a dedicated Strategic Blue authentication account, which acts as a bastion service.

We have access to cost and usage metadata about your accounts. We use this to provide our recommendations, apply discounts and produce your insights and usage dashboard for reporting.

When acting as your AWS reseller, AWS requires us to own the associated AWS Payer Account. If you use the Payer Account to manage organization level services for operational and security purposes we will provide you this access. 

In accordance with best practice, we create an Administrator role within the Payer Account, not in any linked accounts. This role is only used in exceptional circumstances such as when there is an issue which cannot be resolved with the other roles. The role is assigned to only two individuals within Strategic Blue, both of whom are SC Cleared. This account further reduces the need to use root access which is secured through strong passwords, multi-factor authentication and we do not create API access keys for these accounts. If you are not comfortable with Strategic Blue having this level of access to the management account, you may request to retain the MFA details, so that any root actions are performed with full knowledge and auditability. At the very minimum we require you to change the root email to a Strategic Blue provided one.


Our Google Savings Review provides an assessment of your current Google rate optimization approach based on read-only access to your Billing ID. (i.e. Billing Viewer access)

This access is restricted to billing information, we cannot review your usage.

The access needed to deliver our rate optimization services is limited to billing and commitment information: 

  • We will be the Billing Owner, as we provide the Billing Account . 
  • To identify and provide recommendations for cost optimization:
    • Billing Account Usage commitment recommender administrator and 
    • Spend Based commitment recommender administrator.


As with any organization people form a critical element of the security posture. We carefully vet staff, create strict separation of duties and complete regular training to reduce the human security risk.

Staff Vetting

All Strategic Blue employees with customer data access are background checked and are at least vetted to the UK Government Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) level. BPSS is a level of screening usually reserved for individuals working for or on behalf of government departments. It confirms the identity of individuals working with potentially sensitive information.

Administrators have UK Government Security Check (SC) level clearance. This represents an additional level of clearance above BPSS and is usually reserved for individuals regularly accessing data classified as SECRET and occasionally TOP SECRET data. Strategic Blue only looks at metadata and so this is far in excess of what would be normally required but represents our commitment to looking after your accounts.

Separation of Duty

Strategic Blue uses a least privilege approach and has separate roles for specific tasks with least privilege permissions granted such that employees are only able to perform functions in line with their business role.

Staff Training

Staff have regular information security training and awareness sessions. This aims to reduce the risk of accidental loss of data.


We have clearly defined processes, certified against industry recognized standards, to set expectations and ensure a consistently high standard of security best practice.


As part of the audit and certification process we undertake regular security reviews to ensure that the processes are relevant and have been implemented correctly, and to ensure staff have up to date training and awareness. A statement of applicability (SoA) is available on request for ISO 27001. Staff are regularly trained on customer confidentiality, current legislation and how sensitive data should be handled.

We hold the following certifications.

Data Privacy & GDPR

We have three sets of GDPR data:

  1. Internal HR Data
  2. Customer contact information
  3. Potential customer contact information

Only the first set of data holds any sensitive personal Identifiable data, and access is strictly controlled. Our Account Management team holds limited personally identifiable customer information for the purpose of day-to-day updates and the delivery of our services. Further information is available in our Data Privacy Policy. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Registration reference ZB459861.

Data Processing

All emails, documents and reports are held within Google European data centers.

  • AWS: AWS invoices all originate in the US, and our processing of CUR data also occurs in the US (North Virginia).
  • Google: Google invoices are held within Google European data centers.

Data Retention

All data is only stored on Cloud SaaS or PaaS infrastructure.

Retention of billing data and recommendations reports is for up to 7 years after the lifetime of the contract with a given customer. Once data is no longer required the data is deleted. 

Secure physical data deletion is the responsibility of the cloud provider.


Technical controls provide one of the key means for Strategic Blue to enforce security, and ensure that the defined policies are fully and correctly implemented.

Role Based Access Control

The overall access we require is described in the Data Access section above. We further control this access internally through a number of job specific roles. This ensures that we as a company, and our staff, as individuals, have only the minimum access required to deliver our value


We make extensive use of AWS Organizations as a way to centrally manage multiple accounts. An AWS Organization is composed of a two-tier structure with multiple linked Accounts and a single Payer Account. The Payer Account also doubles as the management account, typically the location from which organization linked services are administered.

As a company, our AWS access is controlled through a central, Strategic Blue owned, AWS Account that acts as a bastion service. Our staff authenticate through this account, using AWS Identity & Access Management and MFA. Actions they can then take are determined by the internal roles they have been assigned as summarized below

Access for Rate Optimization

  • Administrator access to commitment holding accounts (created specifically for our use when you onboard): Portfolio Management Team
  • Reserved Instance and Saving Plan commitment management: Portfolio Management team
  • AWS Payer Account level Cost and Usage read-only (e.g. Cost Explorer, account information, consolidated billing, free tier, budgets and service quotas): Account Managers, Technical Account Managers, Portfolio Management Team, Finance Team

It should also be noted that our developers have no direct access to production accounts.

Access for Resale

  • Root account access (as required by AWS): limited to only two SC cleared, long-serving senior employees.
  • Administrator account access: limited to only two SC cleared, long-serving senior employees. Provided by dedicated user accounts isolated from their accounts used for standard tasks.
  • AWS Organization configuration (e.g. account consolidation/ deconsolidation and apply Security Control Policies): Technical Account Managers
  • AWS Budgets and anomaly detection configuration: Technical Account Managers
  • Creating and authorizing payments: Finance Team
  • AWS Support ticket management: Account Managers, Technical Account Managers, Portfolio Management Team, Finance Team


The overall access we require is described in the Data Access section above. We further control this access internally through a number of job specific roles. This ensures that we as a company, and our staff, as individuals, have only the minimum access required to deliver our value.

  • Billing Administrator. Establish the viewer role, and grant access: Technical Account Managers
  • Billing Viewer: Account Managers, Technical Account Managers, Portfolio Management Team, Finance Team
  • Billing Operator (selection and purchase of committed use discounts): Portfolio Management Team 

User & device policy enforcement

As part of the ISO 27001 accreditation Strategic Blue has established various technical controls onto the end user devices, such as strong passwords and disk encryption. This limits access to the Strategic Blue corporate data services to only those authorized devices, secured through password and multi-factor authentication. 



Billing data is stored in an S3 bucket where it is encrypted using server side encryption, to provide encryption at rest. TLS and HTTPS encryption is used to provide secure communication of any data in transit.


Billing data is stored by Google, and reports in Google Workspace, which is encrypted at rest storage. TLS and HTTPS encryption is used to provide secure communication of any data in transit.

Our infrastructure

Our own software is deployed on AWS hardware, secured by AWS under its shared security model. We design with security in mind, have ISO 27001 accreditation and routinely schedule penetration tests to validate our infrastructure.

    • Our systems are accessible only through role based access control. 
    • No credentials are embedded in application code.
    • All our application secrets are securely stored in a SSM parameter store.
    • We use fine-grained access controls, so that secrets are only accessible to the applications that need them.
    • We log access to prod and test secrets using CloudTrail Data events for Systems Manager, with all read and write events aggregated to a log held in a separate AWS account.
    • We exclusively use AWS Cognito to store end-user/customer credentials.
    • Our machine entities within AWS exclusively use IAM roles to acquire temporary security credentials.
    • We do not use machine identities running outside of AWS.
    • All our applications run on Fargate, which is automatically patched for vulnerabilities.
    • Our docker images and application library dependencies are automatically updated to receive security patches as part of our CI/CD pipeline.
    • We use the Google Workspace to manage emails, documents and reports, all of which are held within Google European data centers. 


As a final part of the security control structure we have contracts in place which allow action to be taken should data be breached. Each of these reinforces our commitment to data protection and data security. 

  • Employment contracts and an Acceptable Use Policy for staff
  • Sub-contractor vetting and contracts for maintaining data confidentiality
  • Partnership agreements with cloud providers which cover non-disclosure and data protection.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements with customers to maintain data confidentiality for the data we hold.

 We have a HIPAA agreement in place with AWS for any US healthcare customers.



No. Access within sub accounts has to be explicitly granted and does not flow from a master account into a linked child account. Customers should not use the OrganizationAccountAccessRole within linked accounts. We actively monitor where this role could provide us more access than we require to notify customers if they are inadvertently using this role.

We have no access to IP addresses or server names, unless, contrary to best practice, you have chosen to include it within cost tags. We have no access to VPC and subnet information, nor any access to data flow logs and information.

Staff have very limited access to client information beyond the monthly cloud spend which is managed by the Finance team for billing purposes and the recommendations report which is managed by the Account management team. Access to systems and file shares is managed on a ‘need to know’ basis.

Our sales & marketing team holds (potential) customer information for the purposes of information updates & sales, which is handled appropriately with the required opt-out options. 

Our Account management team holds and maintains basic customer information (name, email, job title) as required to contact you to perform our business function. 

We do not have any access to any of your customer information. 

For AWS services, when we are acting as your AWS cloud reseller, we operate under the End Customer Account Model (ECAM) within the AWS Solution Provider program. We prefer for customers to create their own AWS Accounts, which are then consolidated into one of our AWS Master Payer accounts. This ensures that customers have accepted the AWS terms & conditions for service delivery, and are the correctly registered owner of the account. When we are the reseller, we can do this on your behalf, but it must be noted that we are creating customer accounts and not Strategic Blue accounts.

One or more accounts will be created in your organization for purchasing and managing commitments. As the reseller we will do this, but where we are not the reseller then we shall ask you to create these on our behalf. These separate and dedicated accounts ensure that no access to customer usage accounts is required to purchase commitments.

Non-recoverable deletion of data is managed by AWS. “When an object is deleted from Amazon S3, removal of the mapping from the public name to the object starts immediately, and is generally processed across the distributed system within several seconds. Once the mapping is removed, there is no remote access to the deleted object. The underlying storage area is then reclaimed for use by the system.”

More information : AWS Security.


No. We only have access to the billing meta-data, with no access to any usage data.

We have no access to IP addresses or server names, unless, contrary to best practice, you have chosen to include it within cost tags. We have no access to VPC and subnet information, nor any access to data flow logs and information.

Staff have very limited access to client information beyond the monthly cloud spend which is managed by the Finance team for billing purposes and the recommendations report which is managed by the Account management team. Access to systems and file shares is managed on a ‘need to know’ basis.

Our sales & marketing team holds (potential) customer information for the purposes of information updates & sales, which is handled appropriately with the required opt-out options. 

Our Account management team holds and maintains basic customer information (name, email, job title) as required to contact you to perform our business function. 

We do not have any access to any of your customer information. 

We can create projects for you to use as sand-pit spaces for initial testing, but as the google project owners we automatically have Project Owner access, and therefore rights to the data within a project. We therefore strongly recommend that you create and manage your own Google Organisation and Projects. We will provide Billing Account information to route the invoice flow through Strategic Blue.