Who it's for A Procurement perspective

A Procurement perspective

We’ll give you the confidence you’re paying the best price for your use of AWS. We’ll help you buy AWS in the way you want, including through frameworks such as G-Cloud and CC2 for UK Public Sector.

Consistent cost management in the variable world of cloud

AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans are a useful way to reduce cloud costs in exchange for a commitment to use specific services or spend an agreed amount over a 1 or 3 year term. When usage is variable and hard to predict benefitting from these discounts is challenging with traditional approaches.

We combine the different RI & SP types and options to access the highest 3 year discount rates without creating large, fixed, long-term lock-in for future cloud use. As a result we can confidently cover high proportions of your usage with discounts knowing that we can adjust commitments as needed to adapt to usage changes and avoid wastage. 

Procurement Portal

“How can I ensure I’m not overspending on AWS?”

Cost is a product of what you use and the rates you pay. While your teams are best placed to understand if they’re using what they need, we give you the confidence you’re paying the best price for that usage. You stay in control through KPIs that make it easy to track how effectively our RI & SP approach delivers savings even as your usage changes over time.

CTO  Increase ROI
Improved TCO & ROI

Save time and money that can be reinvested in usage optimization, building competitive advantage or enhancing data governance and control.

Procurement  Predictable costs
Predictable costs

Reliably accessing the best savings, no matter how your usage changes, reduces variation in your unit costs to make forecasting budgets more accurate.

CFO  Measurable impact
Measurable impact

Our Portal provides clear summaries and KPIs to track both savings and commitments. You can easily demonstrate cost efficiency and greater control over your team’s cloud spend.

CFO  Manage lock in
Managed lock-in

A dedicated central team and purpose built technology delivers efficient savings without creating large, fixed, long-term lock-in to future cloud use.

Procurement  Framework compliance
Framework compliance

We support framework agreements like G-Cloud and Cloud Compute 2 without any impact on ongoing delivery of our service or its scope.

Engineer  Stay secure
Stay secure

We operate in a way that makes it easy to isolate and audit our activity. We need no access to the data in your cloud accounts and have no impact on technical operation or configuration.

Our Strategic Blue Experts

Traditional RI & SP commitment approaches rely on precise usage forecasting at individual application, service or environment levels. This reflects who has the best understanding of usage needs, but it creates inefficiency, missed opportunity and inconsistency of approach.

Each team must complete its own forecasting, approval and optimization processes. Competing priorities mean optimization becomes an occasional, often reactive activity. Uncertainties of future usage and non-specialist knowledge of how to make best use of the available RI & SP options force teams to add their own margin for error with low coverage levels. There is no way to account for usage elsewhere so economies of scale are lost.

Marque   Dark   White
“Building RI & SP coverage at an overall usage level creates more efficient savings while mitigating lock-in risk."
Sherman Woo, Pricing & Portfolio
Sherman 698x576

Estimate how much you can save with our cloud cost optimization

Our free Savings Review is a secure way to quickly and easily benchmark how effectively you’re using RIs & SPs. At worst you’ll get third-party validation of your current approach, at best you’ll learn how to deliver even better results.

Our Service Plans

We use our Advanced Commitment Management approach to deliver benefits through two Service Plans. These are tailored to the different needs we’ve found in the Enterprise and public sectors.

How it works  Automate replacement

Automate for Enterprise

Hassle-free savings for Enterprise customers with large AWS spends. Our fee is paid from the savings we generate. No technical changes, no technical compromises, no precise forecasting and no tedious optimization tasks.

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Accelerate 1

Accelerate for UK Public Sector

Cloud financial management and resale for UK Public Sector organizations for no service fee. Support your use of AWS with cost optimization, cost and usage reporting, anomaly detection, budget management and optional prepayment for services.

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