Pay less for AWS

Reliable savings with Reserved Instances and Savings Plans.
No precise forecasting. No restriction on usage changes.
Just predictably low costs.

Trusted by digital innovators
Apha 1 APHA
peterborough 1 Peterborough
sheffield 1 Sheffield
Apha 1 APHA
peterborough 1 Peterborough
sheffield 1 Sheffield
Apha 1 APHA
peterborough 1 Peterborough
sheffield 1 Sheffield


We’ll save you time and money. You’ll have the flexibility to adapt. How you choose to take advantage is up to you.

Home 1
Avoid overpaying

Access the discounted rates of RIs and SPs without creating large, fixed, long-term AWS spend or usage lock-in. Our service is easy to onboard, secure by design and requires no access to the data in your usage accounts.

Home 2
Reduce uncertainty

Access savings without the need for precise forecasting. Benefit from more predictable cloud costs:

  • Reliable savings, clearly tracked by KPIs and delivered as a service keep your unit costs low and stable.
  • Ready-made reporting enables you to surface trends and explore anomalies.
Home 3
Flexibility to change

Put the time and money we save you to good use. Expand, innovate, research, optimize usage, or build wider governance and control, it’s up to you. Whatever it is, with us, your savings will follow your usage changes.

Cost Optimization solutions built for you

We can adapt to, or integrate into, your preferred approach to AWS procurement. Most larger enterprise customers add us to their existing purchasing arrangements. For smaller UK public sector customers, we typically act as their AWS reseller

How we helped SnapLogic’s AI-powered integration platform

We are proud to play our part in enabling SnapLogic to lead the surging enterprise automation market. While we focus on cloud cost management, SnapLogic focuses on its market understanding, innovation and growth. This focus has been recognized by their continued success and appearance in the ‘Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools’.

Snaplogic Favicon 77x77 (1)
“Switching to Automate had immediate benefits to our team and the estimated annual savings are ~$1,200,000 over the next 12 months”
Jack Tang, SnapLogic
AI 698x576 (1)

Choose Strategic Blue if you're serious about saving

Use our portal to share your AWS Cost & Usage Report with us. We’ll benchmark how effectively you’re using RIs & SPs and quantify additional savings. Then book a free consultation to discuss the future of your FinOps strategy.

Results you can take to the board

When securing budgets for cloud, financial efficiency should be proven alongside technical proof of concept. Our expert Account Managers are here to help you win that board approval.

Outcomes 1

AWS Savings No Matter What Happens

Board members worry about the unexpected. Show them cloud savings can be relied upon by avoiding wastage, even under challenging scenarios.

Outcomes 2

Support in Winning Board Approval

Board members balance savings against risk. Show them projected AWS savings are reliable, because wastage risk has been mitigated.

Outcomes 3

Keep Board Meetings on Topic

Board meetings can be derailed by anomalous data points in financial reporting of cloud. Minimize noise in unit cost of cloud reporting by optimizing rate using frequent, small commitments to deliver consistently high coverage levels.

Estimate how much you can save with our cloud cost optimization

When it comes to rate optimization, the devil is in the detail. Estimates based on best-case scenarios or even “average” savings are typically meaningless and generally unhelpful. Our Savings Review will help you make informed, data-driven decisions based on your cost and usage metadata.