Who it's for An Engineer’s perspective

An Engineer’s perspective

We’ll use Reserved Instances and Savings Plans to reduce the pressure on you to reduce AWS costs. Our adaptive approach means there are no constraints on usage profile changes and no need for precise forecasts from engineers.

Enabling engineers to be engineers

Making savings with RIs & SPs seems easy until you consider all the uncertainty that surrounds making decisions on what you’ll need over the next 1/3 years. How will existing demand change? What new requirements will your organization throw your way? What new technology will become available to deliver improvements? What happens if you get it wrong!?

All the time spent trying to forecast usage needs, link that to the right RI/SP type and purchasing option and get that approved is time not spent engineering. We take that burden away, manage the uncertainty, take ownership of the outcomes and enable engineers to get on with what they do best, engineering.

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“Why can’t I do this myself?”

Building a RI & SP position that doesn’t compromise savings or technical flexibility takes time, attention and automation. It is a careful balance of the different characteristics of Standard and Convertible RIs, Savings Plans and the RI Marketplace. Without all that savings opportunities are missed, wastage occurs or your technical choices are constrained as you avoid wastage. Unless your to do list is empty or you’re working in a static, predictable environment maybe the question is “why should I be doing this?” 

Engineer  Save time
Save time

Release the time spent monitoring savings opportunities, managing approvals, purchases and renewals, creating precise forecasts and answering finance questions.

Engineer  Save money
Save money

RIs & SPs managed as a service to deliver you savings with no engineering effort, no technical implementation risk and no need to learn the AWS pricing model.

Engineer  Stay flexible
Stay flexible

Our RI & SP approach won’t lock you in to a specific spend or usage pattern. You have the freedom to make technical changes for technical reasons.

Engineer  Demonstrate efficiency (1)
Demonstrate efficiency

Our clear KPIs make it easy for you to demonstrate this area of cost efficiency if you’re asked to justify cost.

Engineer  Simplify approvals
Simplify approvals

We create a platform to reliably and repeatedly deliver cost-effective results. Your organization gains the confidence to invest in future cloud-based initiatives.

Engineer  Stay secure
Stay secure

We operate in a way that makes it easy to isolate and audit our activity. We need no access to the data in your cloud accounts and have no impact on technical operation or configuration.

Our Strategic Blue Experts

The best technical outcomes come from combining the best engineers with the best technology. Organizations should facilitate this by making time and money available to engineers to research options, test functionality and explore integration and migration.

The result is technical solutions built on informed choices that focus first and foremost on technical suitability.

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“My team is here to build products to analyze cloud spend and automate complex commitment strategies, so you don’t have to.”
Tom Denley, Head of Software Development
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Estimate how much you can save with our cloud cost optimization

Our free Savings Review is a secure way to quickly and easily benchmark how effectively you’re using RIs & SPs. At worst you’ll get third-party validation of your current approach, at best you’ll learn how to deliver even better results.

Our Service Plans

We use our Advanced Commitment Management approach to deliver benefits through two Service Plans. These are tailored to the different needs we’ve found in the Enterprise and public sectors.

How it works  Automate replacement

Automate for Enterprise

Hassle-free savings for Enterprise customers with large AWS spends. Our fee is paid from the savings we generate. No technical changes, no technical compromises, no precise forecasting and no tedious optimization tasks.

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Accelerate 1

Accelerate for UK Public Sector

Cloud financial management and resale for UK Public Sector organizations for no service fee. Support your use of AWS with cost optimization, cost and usage reporting, anomaly detection, budget management and optional prepayment for services.

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