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Strategic FinOps: Unlocking Value through Prioritization and Collaboration

The cloud enables technology to be purchased by technical teams, at variable levels. However, this can bring challenges such as preventing cloud costs from spiraling out of control. This article explains why the discipline of FinOps has emerged and why it's important.

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Significant savings, without compromise

Many organizations fail to take advantage of savings from SPs and RIs due to time constraints, forecasting challenges, approval difficulties, or past over-commitments. At Strategic Blue we eliminate these barriers and enable you to reduce your AWS costs without compromising your cloud usage.

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Automate your business

 Automate provides hassle-free savings for Enterprise customers with large AWS spends. Our fee is paid from the savings we generate. It requires no technical changes, compromises, precise forecasting, or tedious optimization tasks.

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Accelerate with confidence

 Accelerate provides cloud financial management and resale for UK Public Sector organizations for no service charge. This solution supports your use of AWS with cost optimization, cost and usage reporting, anomaly detection and budget management. 

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Our Savings Review gives you a free, evidence-based report into the savings and flexibility your current cost optimization approach delivers. It provides insights into the extra value we could bring with our professional rate optimization.