How it works Balance risk & reward

Balance risk & reward

We combine small, frequent purchases of SPs and Convertible RIs with the RI Marketplace, and optional use of upfront payments. It is this tailored blending that allows us to access 3-year discount rates without locking you into a specific usage or spending pattern for 3 years.

Savings Plans

Compute Savings Plans (SPs) are an effective way to manage costs. They cover any EC2 usage, Fargate, and Lambda, and automatically track where best to apply discounts every hour. SPs are really useful if you expect your cloud spending to increase over the 1 or 3-year term.

SPs commit you to a fixed spend level until they expire. The more uncertain you are about your cloud needs, the riskier it is to rely solely on SPs for high coverage.

By purchasing SPs frequently, we create multiple expiry dates, allowing us to make adjustments more often, as your usage changes.. This approach leverages SP flexibility without the risk of long-term, high-coverage commitments. However, there is only so much flexibility that can be retained, when using an SP-only approach to rate optimization.

Savings plans

Standard RIs

We use Standard RIs where they are the only option, when there is higher confidence in future usage or where we can use the AWS RI Marketplace.

The Marketplace allows you to buy RIs from other AWS users who no longer need them. This means they have non-standard remaining terms so you can get good discount rates without needing to commit to 1 or 3-years. You can also sell RIs you no longer need. Together, this provides some additional flexibility for EC2 Standard regional and zonal RIs.

We automatically review the RI Marketplace against your current usage and existing commitments to find opportunities to buy and sell. This is particularly useful while our Savings Plans and Convertible RI strategies are still maturing in your environment.

Standard RIs

Convertible RIs

Provided the overall remaining value does not decrease, a convertible RI can be adjusted at any point during its 1 or 3-year term so that it applies to a different type of usage. This adjustment will apply for the remainder of the original RI’s term.

We routinely purchase small, low-cost CRIs. As each of these comes to the end of its 1 or 3-year term we convert it to cover many, higher-value instances. In this way we typically provide discount rates AWS offer on 3 year commitments while only actually committing to that usage for one month.

Making one month forecasts carries far less risk and uncertainty than 3-years.

Convertible RIs

Our Strategic Blue Experts

Many organizations miss out on the savings potential from RIs & SPs because of standard 1 and 3 year commitment terms. The result is that they pay a “premium” for technical flexibility they may not even use. With discounts of up to 72% available, this is a high cost.

AWS offer many options within those standard terms. On the one hand this adds complexity and makes using RIs & SPs more daunting. On the other it creates the opportunity to build more flexibility than is immediately obvious. Our expertise is building that flexibility so that our customers do not have to choose between cost efficiency and technical freedom.

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“Our approach to RIs & SPs is as much about building flexibility as it is discount coverage. One should not come without the other.”
Tom Prevarin, Pricing and Portfolio Manager
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Optimize with confidence

Our approach allows us to confidently create consistently higher coverage, at higher discount rates because we can manage the risk that usage patterns change. This means our customers can stretch their budgets and simplify forecasting without forcing compromises on their technical freedom.

Stretch budgets, simplify forecasting

The unit cost is the average cost per resource used. By covering most of your usage with commitment-based discounts, we ensure unit costs stay low and stable. This provides reliable savings that stretch your budget further and makes forecasting easier.

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No technical compromise

We see many organizations fail to take advantage of savings from SPs & RIs. Reasons for this include lack of time available to manage it, challenges forecasting, difficulties obtaining approvals or issues from over-committing in the past. We overcome these barriers so you pay less for AWS without making technical compromises on how you use the cloud.

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Estimate how much you can save with our cloud cost optimization

Our free Savings Review is a secure way to quickly and easily benchmark how effectively you’re using RIs & SPs. At worst you’ll get third-party validation of your current approach, at best you’ll learn how to deliver even better results.

Our Service Plans

We use our Advanced Commitment Management approach to deliver benefits through two Service Plans. These are tailored to the different needs we’ve found in the Enterprise and public sectors.

How it works  Automate replacement

Automate for Enterprise

Hassle-free savings for Enterprise customers with large AWS spends. Our fee is paid from the savings we generate. No technical changes, no technical compromises, no precise forecasting and no tedious optimization tasks.

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Accelerate 1

Accelerate for UK Public Sector

Cloud financial management and resale for UK Public Sector organizations for no service fee. Support your use of AWS with cost optimization, cost and usage reporting, anomaly detection, budget management and optional prepayment for services.

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Our other pillars of rate optimization

Balancing risk & reward is just one of our three pillars of rate optimization that we use to transform your cloud strategy.

How it works 1

Centralize RI & SP management

We use purpose built technology to manage RIs & SPs centrally. This is more efficient, enables greater discount coverage, creates more opportunities to manage the lock-in risk and removes the overhead from individual teams and engineers.

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How it works 3

Surface actionable insights

Benchmarks, KPIs, cost & usage trends created for you to enable accountability and make informed decisions to drive efficiency. Cost Anomaly detection and budget management to maintain control and avoid nasty surprises.

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