Calculate your savings

Our free, no-obligation Savings Review provides insights into your current cost optimization approach, benchmarks against other AWS users and identifies additional opportunities for improvement. It is simple, fast and secure, with read-only access limited to just cost and usage metadata.

Free Savings Review

When it comes to rate optimization, the devil is in the detail. Estimates based on best-case scenarios or even “average” savings are typically meaningless and generally unhelpful.

We developed our Savings Review specifically to address this. You’ll receive a personalized report to help you make informed, data-driven decisions based on your specific cloud usage. Our team is available to discuss your results when you're ready. 

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Your personalized, interactive report

Get an interactive example of the savings report, including the highlights below, when you register on our Portal, so you know exactly what to expect. 

How do you compare?

See how effective your current approach is at accessing savings and avoiding wastage. The bands allow you to benchmark yourself against the results we’ve seen from others running this savings review.

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How much more can you save?

We’ll show you how much you’re saving today and what you could be saving. Our projections are based on your data and calculating the impact our commitment strategy would have for you.

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Are you limiting yourself?

Making savings should not come at the expense of the freedom to use cloud in the way you need. We’ll demonstrate how you can make savings even if you have unpredictable usage patterns. 

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Is managing this worth your time?

Managing commitments is a time-consuming, ideally continuous process of analysis, approval, buying, selling, exchanging and renewing. We manage the process for you, which frees your time up for other priorities. 

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It’s fast, simple & secure

Our three-step process gives us read-only access to your Cost and Usage Report (CUR) to review your billing metadata. You remain in complete, independent control of our access. During this process we will use this Cloud Formation Stack Template to grant access so that: 

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Privacy and Confidentiality

Your use of our Portal for the Savings Review is protected by our Privacy Policy and Portal Terms and Conditions, which include confidentiality protection.

We are also happy to provide a separate Non-Disclosure Agreement, or we can review your NDA if you’d prefer.

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