Risk & Opportunity Management

Strategic Blue has establish and populated a Business Management System (BMS) to ensure that our objectives remain current and our processes, policies and controls are continually improved. A key part of a BMS is the management of risks and opportunities. Risk is the happening of an unwanted event, or the non-happening of a wanted event that adversely affects a business. Every opportunity is, in effect, a risk that may have a positive impact or outcome for the organization. 

Strategic Blue has an effective risk assessment process to ensure that potential negative impacts are avoided where possible and that contingencies are in place to deal with them where they cannot be avoided. 

The process must be sufficiently clear so that successive assessments produce consistent, valid, and comparable results, even when carried out by different people.

The process aligns with the following international standards:

  • ISO9001:2015: Quality Management Systems
  • ISO31000:2018: Risk Management Principles and Guidelines

The scope of each phase of the risk assessment is clearly defined, and the business context is determined based on the scope and the internal and external factors that may impact the risk assessment. Risks have been identified and a risk impact and likelihood are assigned. Mitigations have been developed and recorded.

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