Your success is our focus

We provide organization-wide benefits that enable you to get more from your investment in cloud. Whether financial or technical Whether you're focused on enhancing operational efficiency, driving strategic growth, improving customer satisfaction, researching or innovating our solutions seamlessly integrate to deliver measurable impact.

Increased ROI
Increased ROI

Consistently high coverage of your usage at the highest discount rates creates savings that reduce the TCO of your cloud usage as a key step in increasing your ROI.

Time to do more
Time to do more

With our team and automated tools working for you, your teams have more opportunity to focus their expertise on delivering the outcomes you need from the cloud.

Predictable costs
Predictable costs

Reliably accessing the best savings, no matter how your usage changes, reduces variation in your unit costs to make forecasting budgets more accurate.

Measurable efficiency
Measurable efficiency

Clear KPIs with historical trends make it easy to demonstrate cost efficiency and show the control needed to gain approval for cloud investment and further FinOps initiatives.

Managed risk
Managed risk

Combining SPs and Convertible RIs with Standard RIs and the AWS RI Marketplace ensures savings track usage changes and avoid lock in to a specific usage or spending pattern.

Compliant delivery

Secure by design, isolated access, easy to audit, no access to the data in your accounts. Available to purchase direct or through frameworks such as G-Cloud and Cloud Compute 2.

Our Strategic Blue Experts

Any optimization activity is a balance and we see different approaches to striking that balance.

Some organizations take a simplistic approach that makes good savings today, but risks wasting money if usage changes. Others miss out on savings by taking a conservative approach as their only way to manage the risk of unpredictable usage. It often comes down to a trade-off against available time to manage the process end-to-end.

Striking the right balance between risk, reward and time, is tough, not least because it’s so hard to measure. The result is usually compromises and missed opportunities or expensive mistakes

Marque Dark White
“Our goal is to deliver optimal savings with clear KPIs to earn our customer’s trust as an extension of their team”
Max Jeffery, Product Manager
Max 698x576

See what it means for you

Our Savings Review is a fast, simple and secure way to see what we could achieve with your cloud usage. It provides insights on your current optimization approach and quantifies what our approach would deliver.

Our team is available to discuss your results so you can make informed decisions on how you optimize in the future or whether you’d like to explore the opportunity with us more.

See what it means for you

Results you can take to the board

When securing budgets for cloud, financial efficiency should be proven alongside technical proof of concept. Our expert Account Managers are here to help you win that board approval.

Outcomes 1

AWS Savings No Matter What Happens

Board members worry about the unexpected. Show them cloud savings can be relied upon by avoiding wastage, even under challenging scenarios.

Outcomes 2

Support in Winning Board Approval

Board members balance savings against risk. Show them projected AWS savings are reliable, because wastage risk has been mitigated.

Outcomes 3

Keep Board Meetings on Topic

Board meetings can be derailed by anomalous data points in financial reporting of cloud. Minimize noise in unit cost of cloud reporting by optimizing rate using frequent, small commitments to deliver consistently high coverage levels.

See how much you could save.

When it comes to rate optimization, the devil is in the detail. Don't rely on estimates based on best-case scenario's—use our Savings Review to project how much you could save, based on your cost and usage metadata.