Cloud usage analysis, forecasts and the challenges
Forecasting cloud usage into the future is a vast topic and this article will only briefly address a few aspects of it.
Forecasting models can be built in a number of ways, the most traditional of which is to use historical usage to predict the future. The history may well be useful, for example in identifying levels of persistent usage relative to non-persistent usage, or in identifying intraday, intraweek, monthly, quarterly or seasonal usage patterns that can inform your commitment decision making.
There are limitations with this approach however, because history has no way of telling you about a scheduled ramp down of 30% of your cloud workload in 2 months time, for example. A model trained on history will always have an unavoidable lag (and so error) when usage instantaneously changes as in the situation described. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models would suffer from this same issue if used in isolation. Buying incorrectly from an erroneous forecast might not be a huge problem in some markets where over-purchases can be resold more easily with (hopefully) limited financial impact. However in this respect the cloud market is relatively immature and the ability to reverse a purchasing decision is very limited. Even when it is possible the model incurs a lag while it identifies the usage change is not temporary and it decides a commitment should be sold. The lack of liquidity in the resale market means the sale process itself could come with further costly delays. All this is a best case scenario, as many of the commitment instruments cannot be resold, so a lot of care must be taken in interpreting forecasts and factoring in anticipated changes that will occur within the window of the hedging term.
Your cloud usage persistence is important. Commitments are applied continuously through their term, so if usage turns off overnight, a commitment may waste more overnight than it saves during the day when usage turns back on. This kind of day-night usage profile therefore needs careful analysis relative to the commitment discount in order to work out whether there is a net saving or a net cost of the commitment. It is helpful to calculate the “breakeven percentage utilization” for each resource in order to identify “persistence risks” in the portfolio, and it will be important to understand both historical and anticipated future usage intraday patterns. Equivalent persistence analyses will be useful over longer “seasonality” cycles too (e.g. weekly, monthly, annual).
If you forecast persistent usage to grow into the future, you may well wish to commit to high percentages of your current usage for long commitment terms, and your commitment strategy might be to frequently commit additionally as usage grows.
If you forecast persistent usage will remain stable into the future, you may also wish to commit to fairly high percentages of your current usage, and commit for long and medium terms. You may perhaps wish to have a slightly larger buffer of on-demand usage than in a forecasted growth scenario, as there is higher risk of wastage when closer to 100% committed.
If you forecast persistent usage will reduce in the future, you will likely commit lower percentages of your usage, and for shorter terms, to lower the risk of wasted commitments and the financial loss you would incur.
The good news is that there are commitment strategies that you can steadily step into that will work in all of these situations, and can manage down the risk attached to the irreversibility of commitments, once bought.